Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

BOYFRIEND Twitter Updated

Diposting oleh cindy di 01.56
[B.F:동현] 태국팬분들 넘즐거웠어요ㅜ시간이 금방가버렸네여.아쉬워두 다음달에 또 태국에 오니깐 그때까지만기다려주세요^^ 아!!그리구 태국팬분들 이벤트와 서포트 너무 감사했어요ㅠThank U~ 

Trans :
[B.F: Donghyun] Thailand fans, we really had fun ㅜ Time seems flew so fast. Seems a bit disappointed but next month we will come to Thailand again, so until then please wait ^^ Ah! Thailand fans, thank you for the event and support too ㅠ Thank U~

[B.F:광민] ㅠㅠ형들이랑 가위바위보하다가 져서 벌칙을 받았어요!! 이제 팬미팅리허설 끝나고 이제 좀만있으면 팬미팅입니다 신나게 놀아요~~~ 

Trans :
[B.F: Kwangmin] ㅠㅠ I receive a punishment because I lose while playing rock paper sciccors with the hyungs!! Now the rehearsal for fanmeeting is finished and now wait for a while, let's play happily~~~

[B.F:민우] …아까 점심먹구체한듯했는데ㅠ 리허설 끝나구내려왔는뎅..또배고파요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ동현이형 피자뺏어먹기!!!!히히 형미안해요;;ㅋ 다들 저녁식사 맛있게하세요!!ㅇㅅㅇ체하지않게…( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

Trans :
[B.F:Minwoo]…We just had lunch just now.After rehearsal we came down … I was hungry ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Stealing Donghyun hyung’s pizza!!!!hehe Sorry,Hyung;;ㅋ
Everyone please enjoy your meals ㅇㅅㅇ 체하지않게 (?)…( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

[B.F:현성] 태국에 도착한지 2일째 밥도 맛잇게 먹고 스케줄도 하고 즐겁게 지내고 있다는~~하핫

Trans :
[B.F: Hyunseong] Our second time arrived in Thailand, we eat well, also we do the schedule happily~~ haha

B.F:영민] 저희는 지금 태국이에요~ 태국은 많이더워요~한국은 어떤가요? 오늘은 팬미팅이있어요 태국 팬분들 좀있다가 만나요~~~!!!  

Trans :
[B.F: Youngmin] We're in Thailand now~ Thailand is really hot~ How about Korea? We hve fanmeeting today, Thailand fans, we'll meet in a while~~~!!!

[B.F:정민] 울 베프 잘잤나요~?!?어제 사탕은 많이받았어요??오늘도 좋은하루보내요!!하트뿅뿅~

Trans :
[B.F: Jeongmin] Did bestfriend sleep well~?!? Did you receive many candies yesterday?? Have a nice day today too!! Heart ppyong ppyong~

[B.F:동현] 안녕하세요 사와디캅 여기는 태국! 나인엔터테인어워즈 참석하고 이제 호텔에 왔어요! 동현이방입니다 다같이 모여서. 찰칵! 굿나잇~  

Trans :
[B.F: Donghyun] Hello, Sawadee kab, we're in Thailand! We came here to attend Nine Entertainment Awards and now we're at the hotel! All of us are gathering in Donghyun's room. Good night~

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