Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

EXO-K 10asia Interview [*some* Translation]

Diposting oleh cindy di 05.40

Baekhyun: I have a brother who is 7 years older than me but we do not have a problem communicating. When I was young, we would go shopping and we got a lot really well. I have the deepest double eyelids among the other members, which is different from other members. My eyes are small which makes me look feminine, hahaha. But after drawing eyeliner I look better. In my opinion, no matter what I still feel the most comfortable when not wearing eyeliner. [cr: 10asia] 

Baekhyun: In high school I was the mood maker. I covered many dances from artistes like Rain and SHINee seniors. I would take my dances really seriously but my friends would think I was fooling around. Kai: During training Baekhyun did perform for us to see and he was really good. He seemed like someone who would gain a lot of popularity. If the mood maker doesn't create good atmosphers, what is he supposed to do? [cr: 10asia] 
D.O.: In my primary school graduation book I wrote a game as my talent. Thinking back, I don't even know what it means, maybe it was a lingo that everyone spoke then. [cr: 10asia] 

Chanyeol : In middle school I formed a band with some friends with the name 'heavy noise. At that time I was really into bands like X-Japan. In high school I was in a band called silen, I was really interested in Mysic then. When we first started practising MAMA I found It pretty difficult but Kai and Sehun helped me, I managed to master the details of the dance. [cr: 10asia chi trans EXO12KM] 

Chanyeol : I became a trainee when I was in high school and when news got to the school that I was a trainee at SM, people started staring at me when I walked about. Some would even wait outside my classroom just to see me. I'm actually someone who's really lively and cheerful but because of it, I could only pretend to be serious and sit still. [cr: 10asia chi trans EXO12KM] 

Chanyeol : Because my teaser was the last to be released, my mum called to ask why she hasn't seen any of mine at first. My friends also asked me why my teaser wasn't released and they asked if I got kicked out of the team. To be honest I was really worried then too. [cr: 10asia chi trans EXO12KM] 

Chanyeol : My height is 185cm. For the past few years I've been growing non stop but I think I've stopped growing now. If there's something that makes me look different, I think its my ears who are more distinctive, and also my eyes which are really big. My teeth are also really distinctive, I think it has surpassed the average! Hahaha [cr: 10asia chi trans EXO12KM] 

Kai : sometimes there would be fans who are older than me ask if they can call me oppa, around an age gap of 5 years old, and I would agree. I have a pretty wide age gap with my sister and in the company we address by noona, oppa too, so I don't feel that an age gap makes a difference. [cr: 10asia, chi trans 白_小贤] 

Baekhyun: Because I've never learned performing before, until now I'm still uncertain about certain things. I would like to do CF, but if the CF's concept is supposed to be a cool one, I think the effect will turn out the opposite way. [cr: 10asia, chi trans EXO中毒者] 

Suho: when I was a student I took learning really seriously. I was the class monitor in primary school and I've been the head councillor in middle school. When I joined SM I became the leader too, is it because I have the face of a model student? [cr: 10asia] 
Baekhyun: I was the latest to enter SM, and the first person I got close to was Chanyeol who was the same age as me. Also our house was in the same direction so we would take a train back together. We spent a lot of time chatting and it was only until sometime later that we found out we actually had a mutual friend [cr: 10asia] Cr: heechvl 

My name is Suho. 
My real name is Kim Junmyeon. I was born on May 22nd, 1991, and I have a brother four years older than me. The biggest form of rebellion I’ve ever committed thus far is when I fought with my brother in junior high. I got permission from my parents to spend the night at a sauna. I know that we fought over something really small, but I don’t remember it anymore. 
(Sehun: That’s so rebellious. / Kai: How could you sleep on your own?) 
 My skin is on the white side. Because of that, my eyebrows look a lot stronger and my double eyelids make me look young for my age. 
(Baekhyun: How can your eyebrows look strong?) 
If Kai’s double eyelids are considered charismatic, mine look as if they could embrace anything. The supernatural ability that I’m most envious of is Kai’s teleportation skills, Lu Han’s psychokinesis, and Tao’s time control. I can control water, which I also think is quite cool. 
As the leader, I keep my dongsengs in check by buying them a lot of delicious food. They come together quite nicely when I buy them chicken or Outback. Every Saturday, I make the group have a family meeting and tell them to say nice things about each other. We also talk about things we were upset about and try to work them out. In the end, we finish it off by shouting, “Let’s love!” 
 TVXQ’s Yunho hyung gives me a lot of advice. He told me not to reprimand the members for little things and to console them when they make mistakes by helping them summon the bravery to do better. In contrast, he told me to be firm and reprimand them harshly when they make mistakes regarding respect or manners. Super Junior’s Leeteuk hyung advised us to always stay together. 
I studied really hard during my days as a student. I was the class president in elementary school and vice-chairman of the student body. I was also vice-chairman in junior high school but I stopped after I got cast in the company because it felt too pressuring. I didn’t rely on earning votes through my looks or anything. I think they voted for me because I was a model student, haha. If we were to star in a real variety show, I think I’d do the best because the other members are really shy, hahaha. I’m the caring type so I’d just embrace everyone. 

My name is Chanyeol. 
Birth name is Park Chanyeol. I was born on November 27th 1992. I have an older sister who's three years apart from me. My older sister, when she say my pre-debut pictures she said "Hey, your pre-debut photos are all on the internet! I didn't even know". Even though she doesn't really talk about stars, she still seems to be really proud of me. 
 I'm exactly 185cm tall. I haven't been growing for about two years now. And comparing to other people, my ears are more protruding than the rest, my eyes are also very big, not to mention my irregular size of teeth. Haha So the fans gave me a nickname called 'Wealthy Teeth'. During the fansign not long ago, there were a lot of fans who showed a lot of interest in me, so it felt good. 
EXO-K and EXO-M combined makes 12 members, all of them that came out in the teaser. Because many teasers have passed by before I came out, my mother would call me and say "When are you coming out? I'm waiting to see you and hear your sound". My friends would also say "Why aren't you coming out? Did they kick you off the team?" Actually, I was a little nervous.. haha! 
From the 1st year of Highschool (9th grade) I became a trainee in SM Entertainment. Honestly, everyone knew about this (that he became a trainee), I was still a little shy. When I'm in middle school, I became really good friends with a group of people in a band called "Heavy Noise". The band is something similiar to Nirvana, X Japan, and I really liked it. And when I'm in Highschool I was in a band called "Siren". 
When we were practicing the choreography for > I really thought I was the weakest link. Haha. At first we thought "We're so dead" but because of the extra help one-on-one from Kai and Sehun, we really improved a lot, so its a relief. I have the power to control fire, a phoenix is.... theres no joy. (Kai: This charm is a little weak...) For the next album, maybe there could be use for fire. 

My name is Baekhyun. 
Real name is Byun Baekhyun. I was born on May 6th 1992. I have a brother who's seven years older than me. Although the age difference is really big but it isn't hard to connect with him. Ever since we were children, we did everything together including shopping.
 In EXO-K my eyelines are the best. It's different because the rest of the member has round eyes while mine is sharp, the rest of the members has big eyes as well, and mine is small. Hahaha. If I wear eye liner it makes my eyes look good but, if I take it off people will see me as a completely different person. Eyeliner has to be drawn in a line. First you'd have to moisten the place you're going to apply the eyeliner and then use the cotton to swab. At first it was hard, but the more we do it the more proficient i get. Now I know why it's important for the girls to do it. Haha. 
Because I joined the team later than the rest, the first person I met and befriended was Chanyeol. When I have to go to practice, I would ride the subway or sometimes I would walk, and sometimes Chanyeol would go with me. When I was in highschool I was the mood maker. I've seen SHINee seniors dance before many times. When I see them I wanted to practice as hard and be as good as them. (KAI: Ever since Trainee days he was really well rounded at everything, he was really popular. If he wasn't going to be an idol what will he be? / Suho: I think he'll be in the lines of performing arts.) 
We all have our own individual power, but I'm still the most jealous of Kai's teleportation skill. (Kai: I'm also jealous of my own power too) If we have the teleportation skill, I must see the insides of the bank. Just like the KBS series starring Rain Senior, I want to be able to do something like that too. Though I still have a lot to learn at this point, I would like to try it out. Though i'm not sure if it would fit my style. For variety programs, I've already prepared many impersonation talents. I could do Oh Gwangrok Senior, but So Soksa Senior I'm still in the progress of learning. But you never know in the future. Haha 

My real name is Do Kyungsoo. 
I was born on January 12, 1993. I have one older brother who is 3 years older than me.I have small black pupils, my eyes are characterized by mostly white. So my fans gave me a nickname “heenjabuja (rich in whites)”. Anyway, when it’s hard [for fans] to tell the members apart, they can think “if his eyes are big with a lot of whites, it must be D.O.
”When we did our first broadcast and it came out on SBS , U-Know Yunho sunbaenim gave us a call right after even though he just finished his concert at Tokyo Dome. One person at a time, he carefully monitored(gave us advice) us, and we put the cell phone on speaker phone mode so the members could all hear together. It seems like at this time, we need advice more on our stages than for entertainment programs.
I was a very quiet kid at school. Even when I left for SM, I didn’t really want to let people know, so no matter what I didn’t talk about trainee life. I just lived quietly like that and graduated school.I didn’t even practice the Oh Gwangrok impression I did at MBC MUSIC . I just followed along and my talent playfully and naturally came out. Actually the member with a lot of hidden talents is Baekhyun. 
On my elementary school graduation photo, my personal skill is the “mwuhya (what did you say?) game” but I can’t remember what that was at all. It’s really a mystery, even I don’t know what that is. It was probably one of those trendy sayings, but…. Why did I put that as my specialty?Since elementary school, I liked to sing and listen to songs and stuff. Since high school, if there was anything like a singing competition, I always went. As I was going to contests, getting awards, I got casted for SM. At that time I didn’t even know what company SM was, so I didn’t believe it. I thought, what is this, is it for real?
On our debut stage, when I made a mistake in the ment, my mind went blank. If I said I did well in the rehearsal…… Would you like to believe me? Only the thought that it’s a live broadcast kept coming, even as I went up on stage inside I was like “magnificent magnificent magnificent….”, I was only memorizing this. It even got to the point where I didn’t look at the camera. Even so, when the time for talking came, in my head every letter just disappeared. (Sehun: Yeah, so they deleted it.) Besides the character “ㅇ,” I couldn’t think of anything. So, I said “superior orchestra,” but I was so out of my mind that I didn’t even know I used those kind of words. I don’t want to ever see that broadcast again. Haa. 

My name is Kai. 
My real name is Kim Jongin. I was born on January 14, 1994. I have two older sisters who are respectly five and nine years older than me. By nature, when I’m at home, I’m quite chic and don’t talk a lot. That’s why when they saw me on TV, my sisters told me “It’s the first time I see you this happy” and “Why aren’t you like this when you’re with me?”. I kind of… felt sorry. I miss my mom, my dad and my sisters! Among my sisters, there is one who was a fervent fan of the Shinhwa seniors and who even owned nude pictures of them. Because my sisters were already really interested in singers, they were really supportive of my choice to become one. 
I am the only EXO-K member to have a bronzed skin color. Also… my lips are thick and I have double eyelids. Haha. When I was young, my parents sent me to a private institude to learn Taekwondo and how to play the piano many times but I couldn’t even endure it for a day and got tired of them. However when I started learning jazz dance by chance, might it snow or rain I would always ask my dad to take me to the institute. I fell for ballet and started learning it in fourth grade after watching “The Nutcracker”. 
I had a lot of teasers before debuting but almost no one recognized me. Except that one time when I was out to eat meat with the other members, a person looked at me and said “Uh? Isn’t this Kai?”. Aside from this, I don’t remember seeing someone who recognized me. 
Among our members, the most handsome one is Sehun. When he was young, he was just a cute dongsaeng but during the four years we trained together, I looked at him closely once and I was surprised because he was so good looking. I also remember being shocked when I first saw Suho hyung who entered the company first. I told myself “Woah, there are people who really are this handsome”. 
Sometimes, fans who are older than me ask me if they can call me “oppa”. These fans look like they’re one to five years older than me. So I just tell them they can. Even though there’s quite a big age gap between my sisters and I and even if I use “hyung” and “nuna” within the company, I am not the kind to be really concerned by the age. 

My name is Sehun. 
 My real name is Oh Sehun. My birthdate is April 12th 1994. I have an older brother who is three years older than me. The particularity that differentiates me from the other members is… First of all my skin is really white. Ah, this is what Junmyun hyung, no, Suho hyung said. (Baekhyun : Your shoulders are the largest while your waist is the longest). That’s right. (Chanyeol : V-Line). Hm… Help me. Ah! My eyelashes and eyebrows tend to be long horizontically. (Suho : You’re quite handsome. Haha / Baekhyun : He is like a fresh marine boy who looks nice in white and blue.) 
The member on which makeup has the best effect is Baekhyun hyung. Just getting his eyeline drawn makes him turn into a new person. That of course doesn’t mean his personality changes. Haha. I am not saying this because Kai hyung complimented me earlier but I honestly think he’s really manly. Also, D.O hyung has a warm image. He’s really considerate and handsome. Chanyeol hyung is bright, while Baekhyun’s charm is one of a mischevious guy. (Chanyeol: I really want to squish Baekhyun ) Finally Junmyun hyung is a really good looking person.
 I tend to cover my face a lot. However I get close to people really quickly. As we grow closer, I’m the type to get more talkative and also joke a lot. It’s a complete change right? Hehehe. I tend to be more like this around guys. (Kai: At first, he seemed like it would be difficult to approach him but he’s extremely cute. He has a lot of aegyo). I feel like the youngest position fits me well. (D.O : He might not look like the youngest member but he really is) It was not like this originally but I’ve had people looking at me when I’d go to play or shop with the other trainees. The reason is, as I had my Sundays off, I would get dressed up and then go out to play. Hahaha. 
I don’t gain weight. Usually when the other members want to gain weight, they would manage the way they eat but it has never happened to me nor Kai hyung. (Chanyeol : I don’t gain much weight either. / D.O: All the members except for me just eat.). D.O is quite thourough about self-regulation. Kai hyung says i am scary when i pretend to talk to myself and speak to him informally. (D.O: Isn’t it one of your cute charms?). He says I do it on purpose but we all end up joking about it. Euhahaha (Kai: He sometimes puts his arms around the hyungs’ shoulders and ask in informal speech “Is it tasty?” / Chanyeol : But he also shows his aegyo and goes “ppuing ppuing” too so it’s okay) 

credit: 10asia translations: xiushipao @ CODE:EXO TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS

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